We are a non-profit organization dedicated to creating community for caretakers and their children. We’ve been celebrating childhood since 1994!


La Hora de Cuentos con Wendy
Storytime with Wendy in Spanish
Mondays @10am
Songs and stories in Spanish! For ages 0-5yrs
Coffee Playtime
10:30 a.m. Wednesdays
Enjoy coffee and a treat with other caregivers while the little ones socialize and get their wiggles out! Coffee and snacks provided.

Claudia & Ynez’s Arts & Crafts Hour
Thursdays @ 10:30, ages 0-5
Monthly themes, weekly projects! All materials provided by Pram, everyone welcome!
PRAM Music Circle
Ages 0-5
11 a.m. First, Second, and third Fridays
Circle up with Ms. Amy and enjoy 30 minutes of singing, rhyming, musical instruments, and movement!
PRAM Community Garden
The PRAM community garden is a volunteer run program, open to all of our neighbors. We have raised beds full of vegetables, flowers, apple and olive trees, and a magical bean tent.
Come grab some veggies and enjoy the space! Everyone is welcome.

PRAM is a community-driven non-profit organization supporting families with children living in the Greater Richmond area. Our intent is to create a vibrant, engaged community of healthy, happy, well-informed parents and children. We strive to be inclusive and creative in all that we do.